man this was good. its not shadowy again, but the fight mechanic still feel the same.

played it on facebook. it was a banger at that time

It's a fun game to play in your spare time

a simple game wrapped with beautiful animation

wait the rating was bad? when i was a kid this is my favorite dinosaur game. the only bad thing is this game is too hard with limited life.

Good ol days when my favorite game is perm dance

the best vehicle combat game. twisted metal came close. what makes this game better for me is the mechanics and the movement is really smooth compare to other similar games

The race is a bit bland, no power up or weapon or something. But the tamiya modification is fun

clunky fight mechanics. but as a kid this a resource of my dinosaurs knowledge

not a fan of the fighting mechanics, but i love the cute designs

Man i really hope this game got a remake or a sequel. the battle is fun and the monsters is cool

love it. its like the best fighting game when in ps2 era. its fun when playing multiplayer with friends.

good ol days. a really fun game to play with friends