This was the first Yakuza game I played. At the start, I was kinda disappointed by the game, since the mechanics really didn't click and I wasn't super invested in the story. But right around Chapter 3 I got hooked!

I really love the story for these games. Its not the most complex thing, but I really like it for that. They know its not supposed to be really deep and do a great job with it. I really like the way the characters are built up, and you get these really lovable and hate-able characters. The battle mechanics are simple and flashy, but the combos are satisfying to execute.

A few complaints I have are the stupid skill tree system and the tedious "search for X" missions. The meaty part of the game is the story and the fights, and it should try to focus more on that. But overall a great experience!

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2023
