I picked this game up in 2019 itself. I had no idea about the game, just thought it was a neat concept and was a suitable game for my computer back then. Not once did I regret the purchase.

Shotgun Farmers is one of the most creative indie games I've played. The idea of missed bullets turning into seeds that grow into guns is insane. It can benefit you - or the opponent. The goofy physics of the grenade and the rocket launcher are fun to play with too. I love all the clever puns for the guns, and how each of them plays out uniquely.

The game modes really suit the theme of the game too. The Chicken Oddball game mode is fun, and the maps work really well for all the game modes too.

Granted the graphics aren't impressive, but they are cartoony and lovable. Only complain I have with the game is the servers and matchmaking, but other than that it is a blast to play with friends!

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023
