I was really disappointed with this game. Firstly - lets get the good stuff out of the way - the music and voice acting is really good. It does a great job in setting the theme of the game.

Now for all the bad things.
Firstly, the gameplay. It gets boring really, really quickly. There are only 2 types of levels in this game - shoot waves of enemies, and on wheels shooting. The enemies are no fun to deal with - even with headshots they take forever to die. Not to mention how janky the controls are. It is not fun moving Nathan Drake around, and trying to take cover and shoot. Infact, the controls and level designs culminate into one of the worst levels I have seen in video game history. The Jetski drive and shoot level is atrocious. It is impossible to maneuver the jetski and shoot consistently. When playing the level, I thought the objective was to make a dash on the jetski while shooting the enemies. But with the horrible controls and level design, it literally becomes a cover shooter on a jetski. You have to stop, take your time shooting enemies, and then proceed. It is horrible.
The platforming is whatever, its a single click to hop platforms and sometimes you have to time it with falling platforms and swings. Its not the best, but it is something I can see in a "story" focused game.

However, nothing compares to the "twist" near the end of the game. Not going to spoil anything, but I was so shocked and upset by this twist, it completely ruined the game for me.

I gave it a 2 cause of the music, voice acting, and environment design.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2023
