Such an AMAZING improvement on the first game in virtually every category. I didn't super enjoy the first game's linearity while still having metroidvania elements, I just thought it made running back through those levels really tedious. But the use of Koboh as the big "open world" area filled with doors and puzzles you'll be able to do later serves those undertones a lot better given that the other, more linear planets don't use much. All the platforming sections and moves you can do during them with force grabs and pulls and shit is awesome, which was also the case in Fallen Order but it's just done much better here. Same goes for combat and the variety within the stances, I found myself changing my secondary stance all the time on the fly because they all felt really satisfying in their own ways! Especially the Blaster stance, it made the really annoying flying enemies look like lil bitches. I found a lot of the characters pretty loveable and great, especially Merrin and Cal, when they were on screen I was hype asf! One gripe I did have with the story was the way that twists and huge emotional moments would just sort of happened without any warning. Without going into spoilers here I just thought those moments impacted me very little in the grand scheme of things but I wasn't going into the game expecting a masterpiece of storytelling. The plot is solid otherwise, the combat fire, the planets fire, the bosses fire (aside from like 12 bounty hunters that are the exact same) and the funny aliens fire.
Skoova Stev might be the greatest person of all time

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
