1608 Reviews liked by surrealshinjokun

Not a hardcore fan like the other CS players so I suppose that I found less problems in this than other people.
Feels like the original CS:GO in competitive dust II and I'm fine with that.
Not invalidating the lack of missing content or the fact that they shut down the CS:GO servers.
Even before my time you could at the very least self host CS 1.6 and CS: Source servers on your own but Valve gets a pass for some reason ¯\(ツ)

Added a case before a functional anti-cheat

Way too many sweats, don't know if I like the new update.

10 years of perfecting CSGO and then throw it all out in the bin to rush out a new game.


It's alright probably the best "competitive" game on the market right now although this isn't VALVE's best work and I personally believe they should show some love to their other ips (Left 4 dead, TF2 etc etc)

unfinished where it is currently for sure. I miss csgo

1 map game but that map is fire (mirage)

Every time my friend asks me to play counter-strike. I’m in tears, crying from laughing too hard since it brings me back to the prime COD days of toxicity entertainment. Great times with this title!

old review: they turned a really good game into an unfinished product, awesome.

new review: I personally still think the game is worse than Global Offensive but it has slowly been improving. Though somehow cheaters are seemingly more common in CS:2 than CS:GO but that's just Valve magic I guess. Though this review is coming after all the Valorant I've played I am most definitely just blinded by playing a game that isn't a complete failure in all fronts, but yeah. I love CS:2 and I hope it continues to improve (and gets a working anti-cheat.)

As a CS:GO player, I was very eager to play "CS:GO SOURCE 2 UPDATE". Even if it was just a graphical update, It would allegedly give devs more freedom to further improve on the base game. When announced I was eager to play and soon enough was able to test the game.

As the CS2 updated, we could see what would be the actual game. So let's start. Visually the game looks stunning, lighting and shadows are (maybe) the best in the industry and for a competitive viewpoint it is still very clear to distinguish the players from the map, arguably even more than in CSGO, which is great.

Gameplay wise, the game has received much needed improvements, such as the sub-tick update and the smokes and nades new behavior. Also, it's kinda subjective, but I do think the gunplay feels better.

Now some game design choices for me were a fumble, CS2 took a lot of things from Valorant, some needed, others though, unwelcoming. Refunding is actually rly good, but limited gun inventory is actually TERRIBLE. It encourages having a role or playing the exact same way, which disencourages experimentation. If people follow the roles it would create an agent like meta, which is funny because Valve has a character shooter, it's called TF2, they could update it once in a while.

Also, the now "who makes 13 rounds wins" Is kinda bad, we already have the short match and the long match. It was quite balanced, even though the short match had economy issues it worked. The long match could be tiresome, yeah, but it had something really magical by trying over and over again to fight against your enemy through the last rounds. Players on both sides already with their hands and minds tired used to make the most rage-quitting or satisfying moments in the whole game.

In conclusion is CS:GO but better but worse, for that reason I'll give it the same score (I think it's slightly better tho). Let's see how the game will be a few months from now