I walked into this game hearing that with the later expansions it's a lot of people's favorite game of all time, and therefore I really wanted to give it a try. That promise was probably the only reason why I managed to make it through this.

Most of 2.0 can be described by "ah, you want to defeat scränglo the 2rd? well too bad you need the scrombinator first. the scrombinator belongs to the duke of eggland, so you have to make him happy. oh, the scrombinator has no fuel....". Whenever you are given a goal, you have to do a ridiculous amount of busywork before you can reach it, and a lot of the time it isn't even worth it. It really feels like they did not have enough content for 50 levels.

The game does have an established cast of characters, but they never get any screen time in 2.0 as most quests involve unmemorable side characters who don't return after their quest is done. Even the duty support that they added later on is just some nameless characters. In the patch content, the amount of busywork and the time you spend with the main cast drastically improves. While it is a much better experience, it comes as too little too late and the overall story isn't that good even then.

Having played all the way to 6.1 now, going back to 2.x content feels like a pain. The combat gets so much better the more actions you have, and some jobs are really bare-bones at level 50 at the time of writing. However, there are some standout duties. By the end I enjoyed my time with the base game, but it left me doubting my decision to pick up this game. However, I am really glad I did.

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2022
