Wow, I did not expect to enjoy this as much as I did.

I’ve always been a Nintendo first guy. The most mediocre Nintendo titles are still a league above all other competition. I thought this would just be a serviceable remake of a GBA game from 2 decades ago, but it’s more. It’s a celebration of what makes Nintendo so great in the first place.

My man Reggie said it best; “If It’s not fun, why bother?” Words to live by. Mario Vs. Donkey Kong is just that. It’s fun. It’s fun without being mindless, it’s fun without being overtly challenging, it’s fun without sacrificing the other quality aspects of a first party Nintendo IP.

It eases you into its maze-like environment one baby step at a time. World 1-1, 1-2, 1-3. etc. As most Mario titles do. Getting progressively more challenging as you progress, so it’s not just a time test of how quickly you can run through it.

This soundtrack is just fantastic. World 1-2 hits you with the flutes, 1-3 hits you with the trumpet, just when you think it can’t possibly get better they throw out this relaxing jazz mimicking a detective at work, and it doesn’t stop. World 2 takes the soundtrack of World 1 and shoves it even further down your throat, with a combination of that classic jazz feel in the first world and adding a faster tempo piano and extra drums to make you feel like you need to think faster. My man, my man… they added… the xylophone.

That’s just the first two worlds, what do you think happens in the next 6? The same thing. It’s reminiscent of the Tropical Freeze soundtrack where every level had its own unique sound to express what that level would sound like.

As for functionality, it’s fine. Works how it’s supposed to, plays how it’s supposed to. Mystic Forest sucks though. 8/10.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

it would be a ten if it was syrem vs horizon zero dawn