Would have a hard time recommending this.

Cool cinematics and cutscenes, the characters interacting with each other from different FE games is awesome, and the new characters the twins aren't bad.

The implementation of the FE system was not bad, especially the support and cutscenes and all that but it could've been done a lot better. Duel specials are cool but could've been done better and also the rock paper scissors mechanic was good here too, it's FE after all.

The story is lackluster, forgettable.

And the most important part the gameplay, my goodness is it Repetitive. There's nothing wrong with repetition, look at games like Sonic, devil may cry, all about combos and ur doing the same thing. EVEN KT PERSONA 5 STRIKERS, THAT WAS AMAZING GAME AND YEAH REPETITIVE BUT SO FUNNN (CLEARLY THEY LEARNED FROM THE MISTAKES THEY MADE ON THIS GAME).

The combos are worthless, the weapons are worthless, skill trees are boring, enemies all look the same and don't do anything and aren't that SATISFYING to kill after the first hour or so, and map and level design is not very good, generic and bland this plays a huge part in the feeling powerful can cool aspect. Don't get me wrong the game can be fun sometimes, it's like an anime you can go crazy and kill all these soldiers and be super powerful but this is a full priced game and is kinda short too. And even for sale I wouldn't recommend it I would recommend another game. Even if ur a huge FE fan, this game could've been done way better.

The soundtrack is not bad, but not enough to carry the game and make u vibe while playing.

Boss fights, if u can even call it that are terrible. Just more mindless slashing. Also the super attacks are kinda cool but not that cool.

So yeah, I wish I bought another game because I spent 40$ on this but it's decent fun, like it just feels super average and cookie cutter alot of the time. Good on KT for improving on their later entries tho.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2023
