The long awaited sequel to Sonic The Hedgehog 3 + Sonic & Knuckles is here!!

And it is a complete disappointment.

Sonic The Hedgehog 4 (2010-2012) is a sick joke and a slap in the face to all Sonic fans around the world.

What should have been an amazing modern sequel is instead a complete cash grab and lifeless game presented to us.

Two episodic releases with a whopping 4 STAGES. Not to mention a TWO year wait for episode two.

This game is awful. It's bad. And it's not fun bad like Shadow The Hedgehog or even Sonic 06 when it works. This is boring bad. You get no enjoyment playing this game it's mid. It's literally mid. It's painfully average.

The art style and direction is terrible, it feels lifeless and empty. It reminds me of Super Mario Bros Wii but it just feels off here.

The soundtrack is generic and is not that good. It's okay. Gets the job done.

The animations are awful. They look terrible. And why does Sonic do this weird slow walk before actually running. Physics are also bad.

No redeeming qualities about this game, even episode 2 which seems slightly better can't save it.

This game is lifeless, has no replay value, and is quite frankly boring and forgettable.

Oh and also this game being on mobile and being marketed for it tells you everything you need to know.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2023
