Sonic Forces is a bad joke. What shouldve been the ultimate game in the franchise, ended up being the worst right next to Sonic 06. A huge waste of potential, and time.

The game is ugly. It has a horrible artstyle, looks low budget and just plain cheap. Nothing unique and good looking about it other than a couple stages.

The lack of modes, and playable characters is hilarious. That's it. Hilarious. Super Sonic DLC. Lol. Lack of mechanics and innovation and control features that should be here.

The game also just starts, and sometimes there's no cutscenes and dialogue, it just feels unfinished and unpolished.

Too cinematic and no control, should have played like unleashed. It plays like absolute shit some of the worst and boring hand held controls ever rage inducing on certain stages. Bad level design makes it worse.

Like I legit have Sonic 06 PTSD triggered from this game, but at least this game is playable idk if that's a good thing.

The Rouge gallery was cool seeing all the villians together, and hero's too. Seeing the together for the first time in what feels like so long was nice

Custom cac concept is cool doesnt work tho. Unfinished.

Cool cinematics in the middle of the missions.

Again, just poor gameplay and mechanics. So boring, unleashed was thrilling this isnt, even 06 had some. I only felt nice on a few stages like 1-2.

Short forgettable, and same levels. Garbage.

Feels like unleashed and generations but "all the life sucked out of it"

Classic Sonic GOAT

Too slow and less control, could've been good. Animations aren't bad good idea of what a modern 2d classic sonic game could and should've been like, but still generations exists.

Some of the dialogue between the characters and interactions are pretty good ngl.

Super Sonic sucks somehow how is that possible.

Prison cell zone.

Soundtrack is fire bruh can't lie. Like oh my days they can't miss. Honestly worse the game is better the soundtrack. I was vibing.

Zavok is kinda cool, boss fight sucked .

Duo missions and double boost is sick cool concept. Green Hill Pyramid was exliarating, decent to good level design then immediately shit and gimicky and so repetitive.

Mystic jungle zone 1 was fun cool snake fight too short though.

Final boss sucks, final phase is ok I guess cool concept.

Yeah shit game. Not even worth one playthrough. Rage inducing, heartbreaking, and just boring. I hope frontiers is good it has to be for my sanity.

Reviewed on Jun 14, 2023
