The new high-water mark for roleplaying games. BG3 takes what should be a trilogy of games, in terms of pacing, story moments and revelations, characters and companions, combat and exploration, and releases it as one complete package. This game truly finally achieves the dreams of what Bioware RPGs like Mass Effect could be, and combines them with stellar writing, deep combat, and memorable allies and villains. All of the subtle facial expressions, voice performances, and animations sell the important moments, and connect me to characters in a way that other games could not pull off. But BG3 is more than the sum of its parts, and more than the sum of its influences. It's somehow better than all of the flavors of acclaimed RPGs it's remixing. And the whole thing is playable with co-op! I don't think it's a stretch to simply say that this is the best RPG currently ever made.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2024
