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1 day

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April 8, 2022

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Tiny Tina's Wonderland is a delightful game. I'd say that the most astonishing thing about this is that they made a full length AAA game with high-budget voice casting that's a send-up of D&D. What was once a niche hobby is now squarely in mainstream spaces, and that makes me very happy.

Aside from that, it is truly just standard borderlands fare. Get guns, watch numbers go up, and bad jokes that go on way too long. It helps that the bad jokes are some pithy observations about D&D now. It's a way fresher subject matter than the 3 games of bad jokes about aliens and rednecks.

The gun variety is decent, and the game puts an emphasis on elemental damage now. The elemental damage offers a tiny bit of strategy to the gunplay, but not enough for it to matter.

The magic system sucks. Not sure why they put ranged magic attacks w/ cooldowns in a game centered on firing guns. Melee kind of sucks too. They no real reason to use it, because it's not strong enough to be worth using. This game would have benefited from a melee finisher system like Doom 2016, I think.

The character customization is really nice. The way that they handle characterization is great. Essentially, your character will have canned voice lines for a ton of interactions, but it seems like the script for those canned voice lines change depending on which character voice you pick during creation. And there are a ton of voices, each with distinct personalities.

It's worth playing, especially on PS5 with its adaptive triggers. It's worth picking up when it inevitably goes on sale.