there are some good ideas in this one (mainly in galactic conquest) but my god even mhfu had less clunk than this, what the heck is this gameplay dawg like damn
edit: I just remembered this was made by waw final front devs, that explains everything now thanks
edit 2:now that I think about it, the idea of a 4 player galactic conquest seems peak, but why the fuck it had to be executed on a psp

Reviewed on May 08, 2024


24 days ago

why did lucasarts cancel battlefront 3 when it was almost content complete but greenlit kinect star wars and a singleplayer MMO of -titanic- proportions? that is what you should be askign..................yes.GOOD.let the hate flow thru U!!!!!!!!!!!!!

24 days ago

also sosorry about the delays on the rainbowsix vegas2 essay it will happen this weekend I promise :)

24 days ago