unflinchingly bleak.

weighed down by a story that moves a little too slowly and gets a little too boring when doing too much side content and some cumbersome point and click stuff. backtracking and loading screens and slow movement speed.

where it shines is the reactivity of the game to things that happen earlier, so many conditions are set based on so many things throughout the story; did you talk to this person 2 hours in? well 8 hours later that might help/hurt you! there are so many routes to the truth of this case and so if you get screwed over in one way, it never feels like you're never totally shit out of luck. and yet it creates this sort of world where you consider every action and cross your fingers at 50% dice rolls, because you know it will affect how things pan out.

the previously mentioned story of this game is very good also, but it takes some time to really get going. of my 25 hour playthough, at least half of that was not really that interesting, but that creates such a stark contrast when things do start happening. personally i think there are some stellar moments during the course of the game that outweigh the more uninteresting ones, but i could see how that could pose a problem to someone's enjoyment of the game. additionally i would not recommend this game to someone who doesn't want to do a lot of reading but i think that's a given, right?

as a sidenote: this game clearly is trying to say something politically but i really couldnt discern anything other than a nihilistic "every ideology sucks and everyone who follows an ideology sucks, and not having an ideology is just as bad." it certainly doesn't help that nearly everyone in martinaise is a piece of shit. Hot_Anarcocoa's review lines up pretty well with how i viewed the game politically so if you've already played the game then give that one a read

Reviewed on Jul 15, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

Im sorry man this is an actual well-structured review to but I must do it. https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1327962630.0480/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg