can't really speak on this game's quality as a bullet hell game but as a rhythm game it's just not all that good. frankly this game's biggest downfall is its soundtrack, i'm not really sure who thought a folktronica + chiptune soundtrack would work for a BULLET HELL ULTRA HARD RHYTHM GAME. not that these genres are bad on their own, but they really don't fit into the context of this sort of game, and skipping through the levels, locked and unlocked, it never really seems to get better. where's the j-core? where's the techno? etc etc

this of course lead me to spending most of my time with this game with the auto-gen levels, which, of course, are autogenerated and come with the problems that that always seems to come with in rhythm games. they don't really match up with the music at all aside from maybe a couple moments per song and the difficulty per track is deterministic which leads to a sort of crapshoot if you're as mediocre at bullet hell as I am. i mean even vib ribbon had this one figured out in, like, 1999. plenty of levels seemed way easier or harder than they needed to be, and since there's no slider to change that you're just kind of stuck with that if you want to play that song.

so your two options are: play levels that are properly mapped but the music is so underwhelming for this kind of game you get bored, or play levels where the music is properly energetic but that don't really match up with the music in any meaningful way and also may be dirt easy or way too hard. if you like bullet hell games maybe give this a try but if you're in it for the rhythm part just go for something else

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2022
