Finished: Resident Evil 2 (XSX)
I really tried to endure the tank controls of the first game, but 30 fps and forced cameras pushed me to skip it entirely. I almost abandoned the franchise then and there, thinking maybe it just wasn’t for me. I’m SO fucking happy that I went forward with the remake of 2 because it’s far and away the greatest horror game I’ve ever played in my life.

I watch horror movies all the time and never really get scared, but there is nothing…absolutely NOTHING scarier than tip-toe limping my way through a room looking for a key with next to no health, out of bullets, while two blind tongue-zombie fucks sniff at my frozen body ready to insta murder me when a zombie sees me and I’m supposed to somehow book it out of there and not make noise. Or how about Mr. X, the massive tyrant that chases you literally the whole game, who makes his presence known with theme music and heavy footsteps that did me worse than Michael Myers on Halloween. Tense isn’t the word. I actually whined my way through bits of this game; thrilled and excited to get past the next challenge but also worried as hell that I was going to get stuck, unable to finish such a monumental experience.

This truly was an achievement to me; a masterclass in level design with exploration and puzzles that immerse you in this police station to such a degree that it feels like a character in this story. Sure, I wish I could dodge in boss fights and I don’t want to beat the game twice just to see everything. But god DAMN this was an unforgettable experience. 5/5

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2022
