It's pretty interested to see the team take a shot at doing a roguelike for the DLC. Overall I really enjoyed Side Order, from the awesome music, the visuals, and the overall atmosphere. The gameplay was also fairly solid and at my skill level was mildly challenging, though I wish there was just a bit more variety in objectives. The bossfights overall were also pretty good, and they do a good job at keeping you on your toes. The story was also a bit on the weaker side, but I found the dialogue between Off the Hook and Acht to be pretty enjoyable, and it's really cool to see Acht/Dedf1sh make a physical appearance for the first time ingame. The lore additions this time are also a really neat welcome to a series veteran such as myself. If you're into roguelikes, there's a good amount of fun to be had here, though if you aren't into roguelikes this is probably a pass for you. Really interested in doing more runs in the future.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2024
