
shmups i’ve played/own/etc.. have not beat a single one of these and probably never will because i am not patient enough for the genre but i like shooting things. organized from the oldest/first shmup i played to the newest/most recent shmup i've played.

this along yume nikki were my middle school bastions. the farthest i've ever managed to get is up to sakuya
steam. i know there's no way i'm getting very far in this game but that's ok
the arcade i go to has this one right next to mushihimesama but i didn't play it until recently because i was focusing on mushihimesama. emulated on ps2. my favorite so far
steam, really like the shooting mechanics and aesthetic, HATE that they made the characters super young and designed them like that though. :/ puts an unpleasant taste in my mouth even though i like the game a bunch
arcade i go to has this one, piqued my interest in the genre again. now own on steam
dude this is so fun
first shmup i've actually bought since novice mode is marketed as fair to newcomers. fun to play and stage selection makes it more accessible


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