It's kind of weird coming back to this after playing RE4Make because it's pretty obvious how much of this was intended to be a demo for RE4Make and as such my immersion sort of suffered. The story was just alright to me but I do appreciate that it kept its narrow scope to family instead of expanding too much outside of that.

Story-wise I liked the final narrative reveals and the tender family moments a lot. The village overall just reminded me too much of RE4 to really be able to bring myself to care very much about it or Miranda and her family because I kept wondering how many of the concepts for this game were reused or expanded on for RE4Make.

I liked the PT Sink Baby section a lot, that was scary. Once again I just prefer RE as a survival horror than I do a shooter, and I think RE4Make is better than RE8 so...yeah!

Reviewed on Oct 13, 2023
