Coming off of the arcade version of Frogger, which is a characterization masterpiece and paragon of gameplay, this version of Frogger is impossibly catastrophic. Frogger makes a leap (lol) from being our likable blank slate protagonist who we just want to see get to the other side of the road safely into a deeply unlikable and disappointing excuze for a frog. What’s with the bone sound effect?

Graphically the game is ugly. Plain and simple. Voice acting is mid but what else do you expect from Frogger.

The game’s antifeminist rhetoric is deeply entrenched in the naming of Lily, which eagle-eyed Frogger fans will recognize from the HIT TITLE, Swampy’s Revenge. Naming all girls Lily and therefore reducing them to one singular entity, especially when that name is congruous with a frog’s home, the lilypad, is misogynist.

If this hasn’t convinced you, they stole Silent Hill 2’s Promise. Lily’s not your Mary.

But Slick Willy can get it tho

1/2 star

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2024
