I thought this game was great. It was everything that I wanted from this game and did not dissapoint.

-Amazing visuals and art style. Half the time I felt myself just wanting to look around and just enjoy the art and scenery.
-Soundtrack was really good. I believe they have a full orchestral soundtrack for this game and it really fit the theme.
-Boss fights were fun and engaging, but a bit easy on the normal difficulty.
-Puzzles were fun and none were overly difficult.

-Combat feels a bit floaty at times. However, this is a bit offset by the different abilities you can use which pack a punch.
-The platforming felt a bit off. I would slide off edges where I should have landed instead.

Highly recommend for anyone looking for a 9-10 hour fun and engaging adventure game.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2021


why did you give it one star??

2 years ago

Mistake on my end!