An arcadey space combat game with tight controls and gorgeous graphics.

The story is dense and filled with too much capital L "Lore", but the voice actors give it their all and the relationship between the main character, Nora, and her sentient ship is well-developed. Its presentation is straight-faced and portentous, which was honestly a nice break from the self-aware, quip-filled narratives that have been so prevalent over the past decade. It was refreshing to feel a story take itself seriously for once, even though it is undoubtedly overwrought.

The flying and shooting is exciting, and pulling off a lighting fast maneuver to put yourself behind a pursuing ship and blast them into dust is...well, a blast. The super powers you unlock along the way are a neat wrinkle that add some extra depth.

The open-ish map makes things feel aesthetically big, but the side activities aren't especially interesting, and towards the end of my playthrough the long trips between objectives began to drag. If they ever make a sequel, I think they should drop the side-missions entirely, or at the very least focus on quality over quantity.

Chorus was still a fun time, and in its best moments made me feel like an ace fighter pilot. If you're looking for a space combat game that focuses purely on combat and maneuverability, I'd definitely recommend it!

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2024
