If the time is taken to investigate all these moving parts, and push through some design flaws, Virginia reveals itself as a visual tale of how the road to Hell is paved on good intentions, where the masks of our emotions can show who we are, and what we are willing to do to defend what we feel is right.

Do I regret purchasing Remnant and experiencing what it had to offer? Not at all! The polished gunplay, fascinating Mods, and engrossing boss fights make Remnant an absolute blast, especially when fighting side by side with friends. But Remnant‘s lack of polish and disappointing design choices kill the much wanted longevity Gunfire Games‘ attempts to establish when creating its endgame. The sheer repetitiveness for the casual player and the repeated frustrations to the yearning completionist may keep only the truly devoted around for the hours it takes to see all of what Remnant‘s worlds have to offer.

The bevy of content out now will have you pumping hours unlocking everything that is in store; but the amount of free DLC down the pipeline: online co-op, versus mode, speedrun mode, and much more, give Bloodstained a glowing future to look forward to. The astonishing amount of customization within fighting styles, topped with some gratifying bosses, complete the package of this game being just plain fun, and an easy recommendation now, and even more so in the future.