I'm kind of disappointed that barricating yourself in a shack because the enemies are actually too strong is relevant only for the first 30 minutes or so of the game. It would have been a nice change of pace from the previous game. After that the game becomes very easy (on hardcore) and the monsters stop being threatening if you balance the only two combat mechanics the game offers you ( shooting at weak points and blocking). Also, what is the deal with the "here's a paper/slab with the instructions" puzzles? They're not fun, they only break whatever is left of the player's suspension of disbelief -- even more than Ethan's ability to both feel pain and never show signs of actual fatigue after getting his body mauled. But what can I say, this game tickles my lust for rule of cool-abiding media.
Other than that, not unlike RE7, this game is of great atmospheric value, and it's always worth to explore every nook and cranny of this engrossing romo-victorian setting, with all its somber fogginess and ominous vistas.
Edit: the ending did make me tear up a little, despite the disappointing twist that among other things ruins the fun of having a comically sturdy protagonist.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
