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feeling satisfied once credits roll is something ive come to really like recently. ive been on a roll recently with p3r and now this, and im sure CS2 wont be lacking on that front either. theres just something inexplicably nice when a really good credits theme comes on at the end of a short game. RRT4, MMX, Damacy, Portal, and now Superhot can be added to this list. i was blown away at how much a banger that credits theme was and it absolutely cemented that "satisfied" feeling. polish rock isnt something i really knew i needed until now. after a bit of research it's not an original song but i dont think that matters, still capped off a really unique experience for me.

superhot is the most innovative shooter ive played in years. ok but for real, the gameplay is actually really unique, it's gimmick is insanely cool. time only moves when you move and that's really fucking fun. there's not much of a difficulty curve, some of the last levels took like 10 tries for me but it was still really cool to learn patterns, that and chaining together a really clean level together. ill definitely be checking out it's sequel sometime in the future.

the overall aesthetic and feel of the game is also something they nailed. it definitely has the vibe of something you shouldn't be playing, and is honestly really creepy with no OST other than a constant hum of noise in the background. the messages too, the way they morph into something you didn't actually say, or the way the world glitches out just gives off a great feel that it's unfinished and you shouldnt exist here. something else i noticed too was how you could actually pick up some story stuff with the places you spawn in at seeing how the scene starts. that's a really cool detail. the red dudes shattering never got old, and their design is also very unique and adds to the aesthetic. also the way you navigate around the menus and how they're reminscint of 90s/y2k stuff. love the aesthetic here.

the story actually has some dualist (and even maybe transhumanist) themes to it which i didn't expect, just wasn't able to be explored with much depth with the length but i still appreciate their inclusion. i also like the direction the story took, in how the game was like a drug and since they couldnt get you out they just used you for their own gain, while you have no idea what youre actually doing nor the ramifications. and once youve outgrown your use, you just obey and kill yourself like the dog you became. i guess the ending has an interpretive quality to it too, the mind can be truly software since youre still able to access the game after the story ends but simultaneously if the story ends right as the credits roll then your mind isnt software and youre just dead. who knows?

id like to say this is only the first time i beat the game, i played it years ago but dont think i ever beat it. i also played the VR port on vacation at a vr arcade like 4 years ago, insanely fun and it's one of the only games i think actually enhances the experience being in VR. no other vr games really benefit, but maybe im wrong since i dont own a headset and im just on the outside looking in.

either way, game's a banger and totally worth the 5 bucks i got it for. it's the most innovative shooter i've played in years, go hop on. i think ill keep chugging on CS2 for now but i will definitely beat MG2 sometime within the next week likely.

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2024

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