i enjoyed what i played but i think ill be refunding this one

not a fan of the visuals or music and the gameplay feels... too floaty but too weighty at the same time. its fun and there are cool concepts like the sword energy beam cancelling out the enemy's beam but it leaves me wanting more. i got up to the first boss and just hopped in a circle and spammed the sword until i killed him. DUSK's bosses were no great feat either but they had stellar atmosphere, levels, and OST to make up for it. speaking of DUSK, this game almost has the opposite problem that dusk had, where it was too easy on normal difficulty, while DUSK felt too hard on normal at times.
forgot to say the parkour also sucked.

overall i dont regret the hour i spent here, but i probably would wait for it to be 5 bucks if i ever came back to it.

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2022

1 Comment

I guess you could say this game was very aMID