this game is fantastic. i mustve died... i would never disclose such information. yet i never once felt legitimately frustrated with my deaths, the checkpoints spit you out right back into the action. but god, the game just requires perfection and forces you to play in such a rhythmic manner once you get in a flow its almost impossible to be killed. i would love to speedrun this game, it yoinks that titanfall 2 fan right out of me. the ost is fantastic as well. despite having a cardboard story/ and characters, the game got me to chuckle a few times. the only complaints i have being the story(i saw the """"twist"""" coming after the first level), and a few pace-killing puzzles, but even so, the gameplay kept me engaged like almost no other game i played this year(besides the obvious), so i cant rate it anything lower than a 10. maybe after speedrunning it i might bump it down, but as it stands, i adore this game.

also am i insane or does mara have like 3 different voice actors in the boss fight?

update not even 30 minutes later: looking at my yearly ranking, it doesnt sit right with me to put it above ridge racer for whichever reason, i guess its a 9 or 9.5 then lmao

Reviewed on Dec 31, 2022

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3 take it or leave it