This review will be different from any other review, I will begin with my review here: 4/10, Very eh game with some bugs that taint the whole experience. The rest of the review will be my experience playing the game

If I were to describe nevermore in one word I would use almost, Nevermore is almost fun, almost playable, almost worth trying out. Nevermore: The Chamber Door is an indie hack and slash game developed by a solo dev, I discovered the game while browsing through the lovecraftian category on steam and decided to buy it the next steam sale after adding it to my wishlist.

The game begins with the standard tutorial and then lets you out into the vast nothingness of its world, there are 2 NPCs in the beginning town, one to level up and one to equip stuff with, after that you head north and kill some enemies which drop money and very rarely drop an item which you need for each level up, here comes the first problem with the game let's say you have earned enough money to level up and want to and you choose to go back to the starting town to do so heading back the road you came until bam you hit an invisible wall. It turns out you can't go back until you die (this is entirely a subjective criticism). [After further reading about the game it seems that each screen is an 'arena' and won't let you return to the previous one similar to a rougelike]

The combat of the game is its biggest selling point so much so that its steam page describes it as fluid combat mechanics with endless possibilities with Aggressiveness and Agility being the focus of combat, the combat has basic attacks, charge attacks, grapple attacks and magic meter attacks, each of these has variations depending on if you are on the ground or in the air as well as the equipable cards you can unlock which change your stats and how your attacks work.

The game has a magic meter that builds with hitting and killing enemies, you can unleash it to supercharge your attacks and heal, that's right using your super meter is the only way to heal (at least from what i have discovered by playing until the second boss) when i discovered that it healed me i would just pop the super meter like a lifegem in DS2 and wait until it fully healed me then continue combat, this drastically slowed down the combat and the 'fluid' of combat is turned into molasses (this is caused by my utilization of the super mode entirely as a heal). I head towards the first boss and while fighting I realized there was no music, I died and when I returned the music played for the first time and I realized the game just bugged out in my last fight, I beat the boss not because of my skill in the game but because it froze on an animation frame and wouldn't move or attack. After this i continued on into the second zone and fought the second boss, feeling like i made sufficient progress I quit out for the day to return the next. When i had quit my damage was 50 with my armor being 11 and I had a sizable amount of health and SP. When I returned my damaged had dropped down to 30 with my armor at 7, I thought this might just be a bug and so refunded my level ups and bought them again yet the issue persisted, I then looked at my base stats without any modifiers

The base stats of the game are: Health=30, SP=20, Attack=20, Base attack bonus=0, magic attack=8, crit chance=0, crit bonus=100 and defense=0
My base stats after refund were: Health=5, SP=20, Attack=-22, Base attack bonus=-21, Magic attack=8, crit chance=-03, crit bonus=85 and defense=-5
My stats had overwhelmingly decreased for no reason to the point where my base character would heal enemies when attacking and had negative defense, this ruined my experience with the game as my hard earned levels and stats were arbitrarily brought down due to some bug, while looking online I learned that while this was not very common it did happen and so I started a new save since I couldn't fix it, I played 1 hour on the new save before quitting. I could not play a game knowing that at any time everything I worked for could just disappear for no reason.

If after reading this review you are still intent on purchasing Nevermore: The Chamber Door I would ask that you consider using the money you plan on buying the game with as kindling for a bonfire the 2 minutes of warmth would provide far better value than the 5 hours I played in this game. Nevermore is a very fitting name for this game because never again will I touch this game, it will lay destitute and forlorn in my steam library until the seas boil and the stars fall.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024
