Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 16, 2022

Platforms Played


at a glance i was so excited for this one because it looked to have the most personally appealing atmosphere, music, and such of the series. that was partially true but it came with a set of its own issues too.

the hub level of the city streets does have wonderful atmosphere but it feels very surface level. i love some dark rainy ambience as much as anyone but there's not much going on here other than collectibles and enemies scattered around. i spent most of my time in these areas hauling ass to the next objective to shift to one of the traditional levels (all of which feature a more conventional Halo atmosphere which was a huge bummer).

to follow up on the level based sections, ODST unfortunately had my least favorite to date Halo combat. i understand what they were going for with non-spartan based player characters and wanting to feel disempowered but it didn't make for a great experience. navigating on the city streets while trying to just survive? sure. having some whole ass combat encounters that wouldn't be out of place in the other games, just with tankier enemies? no thanks.

that just leaves me with the story/characters. i wasn't huge on the story across 1/2/3 in most cases and didn't find high levels of investment but they were much better than the cardboard cutouts we had here.

i had a lot of complaints in this log but as with every other Halo game so far, this was playable and i enjoyed it on some level. it just wasn't the far and away series fave that i was hoping for.