has a few moments for sure, but incredibly flawed on average otherwise. i was surprised by how much of what i disliked about RE7 cropped up here (which in hindsight makes sense since the director is the same) first. bland main enemy type with poor combat feedback (this admittedly has more enemy variety than 7 still, thankfully), a ship/tanker setting wasted on boring level design, a so called "return to form" horror framing which serves bad action sequences/combat instead, and so on. any segment where you swapped to play as someone other than Jill on the tanker fucking sucked.

raid mode is pretty great but i've always preferred mercenaries in any of its iterations so i'm not left with a ton. the weapon parts were interesting and i wouldn't have minded seeing those transferred to a mercenaries mode instead of set loadouts.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2021
