in the midst of some downsizing and have decided that i'm either going to sell or otherwise get rid of my ps4. only have one or two games that are still tied to the system and not available elsewhere so i'm going to prioritize trying (if not fully playing through) those and replaying a few others.

there was a time where i believed this was my favorite Uncharted game, for whatever that's worth seeing as i'm not really a fan in general. either i was on crack or i'm in for mess with 2 and 3 after this.

i'm just going to say it, i hate sticky ledge/gliding through the air platforming but i can understand its usage and even tolerate it though i think it replaces engaging mechanics with nothing. having said that, my toleration accounts for the platforming being mechanically sound and working on a moment to moment basis. for a game that does the movement for you mostly, it's in shambles. finicky behavior when jumping and shimmying on ledges (especially if there's multiple edges around), swinging and jumping from ropes or chains is a death wish, and so on.

which isn't to say anything about the combat either. i've never found the combat in this series particularly engaging (4 was onto something a bitsy because of the increased mobility but that's discourse for another day) but in its earliest forms it was such a slog? the absolute onslaught of one combat encounter after another, usually bad ones at that wears thin by the seventh or eighth chapter of the game but then you have more than half to go yet. i've never made a game so i don't talk about this from the standpoint of thinking i could've done better or anything but it genuinely feels like the combat scenarios were literally the last thing done in some of these cases in terms of how poorly thought out they felt.

it wasn't completely dire but the bright spots in things like Elena and Sully or the aesthetics holding up more than expected didn't do much to offset the lows. at the time of release i think i was missing Tomb Raider a lot and this scratched that itch but playing it now i think i've had my fill and don't need to come back. i kinda hated it. 😭

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2024

1 Comment

8 days ago

2 and 3 aren't great but they're leagues ahead of this one.