people aren't far off the mark with calling this a glorified demo but i still think it's the best game in the series behind only the original.

the smaller setting in Still Creek was both unique for the series at the time but also draws comparisons to the mall in the original before the series started to get bloated (with the oversized Fortune City of 2 and even further with the open world mess of 3/4). it feels like there's actual design to things here and not space just to pad things out while increasing the size.

the short length doesn't allow with too much experimentation with the timer and doing things in different orders but that's to be expected. with Dead Rising 2 playing very much as a "Dead Rising but make it almost universally worse" type thing for me, i'll happily take this as a diversion with more of its own identity.

less is more and all that.

Reviewed on Oct 07, 2021
