19 reviews liked by thelonelyman

you all went through a MUGEN phase, don't deny it

Fuck being sad that Mario RPGs don't have "deep" stories anymore, I'm sad that Mario RPGs won't be this completely unhinged anymore. Between Mario almost punching a child, the late-game boss that ends with what is effectively a suicide joke, and like half the shit that Ted Woolsey added, I never knew how much I wanted a Mario game with this much unhinged energy.

Give me the butter....


Makes me wish time travel was real so I could go back to a time I never played this

Suicide is likely a better alternative

I spent one entire afternoon as a kid playing the SNES version of this alone through an emulator. That is the entire extent of my experience with this version of Monopoly. I don't know if I really have anything of value to say about it, other than that it impressed upon me just how fucking long a Monopoly game can be.

There's something I cherish about having extremely vivid memories of the days I spent doing dumb shit like this.

Geno is never going to be in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate