Those of you looking for the type of creative art game experience only can offer might enjoy this one.

You play as a little hand drawn character exploring a kind of art gallery looking for 10 postcards. The game starts off in a kind of 2D hand-drawn plane where there is no real collision detection with the world and you can even move faster than the screen so you can position your character off-screen if you're not careful.

The jankiness can make it difficult to grasp what to do at first, but as you explore the hotels the perspective changes to a third-person where you're flying on a duck to traveling underwater, to first person navigating a maze, back to 2D where you control a claymation eye. The visual aesthetic is all over the place, but somehow consistent.

It can be somewhat confusing trying to navigate the art gallery trying to find all the postcards, I think I only found 8 before reaching the credits, but its relatively short length makes it worth experiencing. 3.5/5

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2021
