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No game has worked harder to make me stop playing in the first thirty minutes or so. Long, unskippable cutscenes? Check. Talking animals? Check. Talking animals with jiggle physics (blech!)? Check. Ridiculous premise with "Duke Nukem trying to be serious and emotional" delivery?[1] Check. A bug that spams the same voice lines over and over again? Check.
I maybe could have powered through this if this were a well-regarded metroidvania, along the lines of Symphony of the Night or Aria of Sorrow, but the game has received middling reviews and there are plenty of alternatives I can play. And also, the hands on the raccoon/tanuki character were creepy. He's a talking raccoon, but has human hands rather than paws. I don't want to think about it.

[1] The Wolfenstein: The New Order approach to cinematic storytelling.