Quest for Booty is a short transition title between Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time that focuses mostly on the space pirate aspect of ToD and wraps up that story arc. It takes place on a single planet, but in-between islands in the aforementioned pirate-y manner. The first half is very platform-puzzle-centric, which is quite fun. The action ramps up in the second half when Ratchet and Talwyn begin facing off against the undead crew. I played this on hard mode because I knew it was a shorter game going in. This made it so the enemies are HUGE bullet-sponges and Ratchet can only take a couple hits before dying.
This uses the same engine as ToD and reuses a lot of animations and assets, so technically, it's still a bit buggy. The story is unremarkable. Main character needs to find friend, and to find said friend, he needs a specific artifact that is buried with a notorious space pirate. Que swashbuckling adventure where you use map to sail the seas to find said buried treasure and fight undead crew mates along the way due to an undead curse. (Curse of the Black Pearl, anyone?)
The final boss is long and tedious and features some really weird hitboxes, making it a giant difficulty spike (granted I was playing on hard, but it was still very sudden). The design itself is not bad, though.
Very linear, but it serves its purpose. I don't think I'd do another playthrough.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2020
