I played this as a kid but never beat it, so I went back and beat it.
It's a pretty standard 3D platformer/collect-a-thon where you play as Scooby Doo in a mystery where there's a haunted estate filled with all the foes of the gang's past from the original television series.
It's goofy and has charm. Uses laugh tracks and all of the classic Hanna-Barbera sound effects that we know and love. It also uses the music from the original show, as well as some tracks made specifically for the game.
Some platforming sections are super frustrating, but aside from that, it doesn't do anything too crazy for a platformer. It actually kinda functions as a metroidvania, in that you gather abilities that you use to gain access to new areas or get items that were previously not reachable.
Fun little game!

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2022
