I know this game is praised by many, but I just didn't get it. The game doesn't even know what it wants to be half the time, the mechanics are so out of left field and the dialogue is so ham-fisted that it feels like it's way up its own pretentious ass. Character designs are okay, and the overall concept is interesting...as a concept and not much more. As a disclaimer, I normally don't enjoy anime games, but I gave this one a chance and played through the first chapter.
It's pulled in so many directions at once. It wants to be dark and serious but also wants to be satirical and goofy. It wants to be a point-and-click mystery game while also wanting to be an on-the-rails shooter and moonlights as an Ace Attorney wannabe.
The over-explaining and needless flashbacks feel like they're trying to tell us how clever they are and show off their writing skills. It's a try-hard "big brain" game that leaves nothing up to the imagination or creativity of the player, and makes it impossible to lose, so there are very little stakes once you realize the story is set and there's not much you can do about it in the way of choices. Lazy and artifically high-brow. I only got through the first chapter because my friends and I decided to voice-act the characters ourselves.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2021
