Seems a lot better than the first but after a few hours it still seems pretty easy to just walk though. You can save every turn which means you never have to think more than one turn ahead of where you are.

The story started out a little better but then you end up doing several maps where basically nothing happens.

Your main guy seemingly never takes any damage and one shots everything and the maps, while better than the first, still seem to be turning into more and more of a slog as I progress. Instead of interesting maps they seem to just be corridors with a few tiles every now and again that drop your move to one tile which takes everything take ages but doesn't make it any harder.

It's a shame because I want to like the game but it's doing it's best to be a pain in the arse to play.

At least there's a funny 3D rendered head that raises it's eyebrows at you when you unlock the fusing demons area.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2021
