Another game where the binary yes/no just doesn't fit. This is a unique experience that won't jive with many, but might be some player's favorite game.

This game simulates the experience of being a helpless creature in a dangerous jungle. It feels awkward and slippery at first, but the controls are actually quite fair - once you learn them. You'll need to understand the details of the environment and the different paths you can take to avoid danger. You'll hide in a hole and watch new creatures with fear and suspicion as you try to understand how to snatch your food or escape to your nest. This game is at its best when you're exploring new areas, tip-toeing delicately until you bumble into a predator and scramble away to safety.

Unfortunately, this experience only lasted a few hours for me. Areas are gated based on your survival success - a great mechanic for initial exploration, but terrible for backtracking, which this game has a good bit of, unfortunately. There was a lot of initial satisfaction in learning the movement, environments, and enemies, but eventually it starts to feel grindy as I struggled to move the progression forward.

The art and sound design are brilliant and the world is exciting to explore. It's worth playing, but I wasn't able to finish it.

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2022
