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An amazing sequel that refines some aspects of the first one but also has its setbacks.
First of all this captures the mood of the star wars films flawlessly, the action sequences are top notch and when they happen it's really a feast for the eyes.
The level design is amazing, discovering all the shortcuts and hidden areas is fun, however not as rewarding as it could be. There are A LOT of collectibles and while they are fun to get they don't really bring anything valuable other than cosmetic options. And I do love the amount of customization you can do but after a while it gets tiring to look for all the treasures just to get a new hairstyle or paint for your light saber.
I love the mix of metroidvania level design with soulslike elements to its combat, which can get very challenging. However I will say I prefered Fallen Order's more linear design, for the hundredth time, not every game needs to be an open world. While the massive planets we get are fun to explore and even have different environments within, I think I speak for a lot of people when I say I'd prefer to have more, smaller planets.
Story wise, once again most of the characters are super well written an funny at times, with some surprising twists along the way. Bode's betrayal was unexpected and cool but his motivations felt really weak. He wasn't an interesting character to begin with, but making the final chapter about him and making him the final boss was a huge letdown, especially after fighting cool bosses like Rayvis and Darth Vader (!!!!).
And lastly, while it ran super well on my console without any stuttering and only a few visual glitches it did crash a few times which is once again a symptom of modern games not being properly optimized. On one of them it was right after a super difficult boss that I'd just managed to defeat and had to do all over again, it was next level annoying.
All in all a super fun game though, one of my favorites from 2023

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
