5 reviews liked by tifalockhartkin

The horror in Detention works very well, they find the perfect timing to throw the scares at you while you have your guard down. The puzzles themselves are relatively pretty easy, you just have to walk around... a lot!

The art-style is beautiful, perfect for a game like this and there are some times where it just becomes breath-taking to look at

Story-wise, it's pretty great as well, Giving a peak into the life of a girl and people surrounding her who were affected by a war and her decisions, It's a painful journey which can leave you feeling hopeless by the end. The music and the sound design also adds to the experience. There's nothing much going on with the game-play, it's a point and click game so you just... point and click!

In the end, it's a great point and click game, the scares are effective, the story is great and it looks beautiful.

I genuinely really loved this game. The portrayal of abuse and mental illness (in multiple lanes with both) here is absurdly well done, and the themes only compound this. The atmosphere is extremely good with the visuals, the sound design, and the writing all contributing to the thick denpa tone. I couldn't imagine this game without adiaphoron, i think that it serves to further the game's themes in a wonderful way even while deviating from the tone of the original work.

I cannot help but clap.

I would die for this game if it wants me to.

The bold game developer asks the question: "What if Edith Finch was worse, and also idolized pedophilia?"

I have hundreds of hours in this game, it was my best friend for years, good video game.

1 list liked by tifalockhartkin

by aetherain |

31 Games