This game... was EXACTLY what I wanted NMH2 to be. Now, I won't get into NMH2 ranting... but long story short, I played NMH1 and absolutely fall in LOVE with it. And the fact that it had deeper lore, an open world to explore and the combat was SUPER fun, controls were tight and it was just... chefs kiss

However, NMH2 removed a lot of what I enjoyed about the original game and some of the battles as well... just didn't really feel 'memorable' like the battles in NMH2. Sure, they looked cool but... like, I still remember how I felt after I faced Holly Summer and how important she was to the story and Travis as a character later in the game. Not only that, the gameplay felt waaaay too floaty to me. And it didn't really... work for me.

I don't even wanna get started on the mini-games/side jobs being replaced with 8-bit games... and how the money you get in the game really ends up being... useless.

However. Suda returned most of what was removed and revamped it to work for this game. He bought back the 'heart' of the series with this game and I couldn't be happier.

The fights were memorable, the gameplay was REALLY fun (tight controls and didn't feel floaty or too ridged), and he basically took the concept that is NMH and just... amped it up waaaaay higher than before. Oh, and bought back the open world with a Fast Travel option... and overall... just did a really good job bringing in a new title to the series.

I loved this game and I wanna play some more tbh... but I've gotta move on and start preparing for my Bayonetta Pure Platinum runs and continue to knock out my backlog in prep for Bayonetta 3.

Reviewed on Sep 25, 2021
