I had hoped to love this game. The art style looks gorgeous and the visuals are stunning and unique, but as a game, it is simply clumsy, frustrating and not easy to read. It is rebellious and edgy, with its noire-style and free-jazz soundtrack, but the effort on the gameplay-side is just too limited and inconsistent so be remembered. Honestly a wonder, that I finished it.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024


4 months ago

Do you mind explaining why its clumsy and frustrating cause I had this game on my wishlist lol

4 months ago

@RedBackLoggd The puzzles are very easy in how they are build, but very hard and fiddly in their execution. The relation between intended input and effect on screen is sometimes counterintuitive. You sometimes can't do it, and that makes you feel dumb. This could be based on the quality of the Switch port, that is something I wasn't able to compare. But the hinting and guide-lining in how and where to proceed is very sloppy and inaccurate as well.

4 months ago

Thank you so much friend. I'll do a more in-depth review of the PC port to see if it has those qualms.