(review originally posted on GGapp.io)
WarioWare: Get It Together!
Played on:
Nintendo Switch
“WarioWare: Get It Together!” is centered on a group of wacky friends attempting to get out of a buggy video game that has gone full “Tron” and trapped them inside its world. In order to achieve this, they must partake in a series of fast-paced minute-long mini-game referred to as “microgames”. The big difference between this entry and past installments is the use of a group of on-screen avatars with distinct movesets to complete the challenges presented. This shift in how you operate each minigame based on your character adds a layer of depth to what has effectively been a formula only really changed by input method since the series debut in 2003....at least in theory. The use of cheap in-game currency to buy continues effectively breaks the game's story mode difficulty in half. No punishment for doing poorly means you never feel the need to learn how each character operates. A questionable design decision for a game with an arcadey structure where learning the intricacies of the gameplay loop largely is the appeal. This isn't necessarily a problem in itself theoretically, the game likely intended story mode to train players for the weekly microgame challenge gauntlets that are part of the online component of the game but I think it makes the game's appeal largely an "in the moment" affair. Outside of story mode and online multiplayer there is technically a set of bonus objectives in the form of an achievement and treasure system tied into the game's money system. These seem grindy and too repetitive to evoke the strong points of past games 100% runs. the only other substantial mode If you are picking this game up down the line (perhaps even in a post Switch world where online servers have gone down) all you would be left with is a easy single player and a ok multiplayer component on a system with a glut of ok to amazing games that are arguably better targeted to any party game niche you may need.

Casual group? Jackbox Game packs are far less likely to be dissorienting to them due to the controls being largely regulated to smart devices.

Hardcore group? The likes of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Kirby Star Allies, Splatoon 2 , and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (plus a metric ton of multiplayer indie games I am no doubt forgetting) is likely to offer a much more comprehensive and customizable multiplayer experience to the needs of your group.

Despite this lack of content what is there on a gameplay and presentation level is fun and competently put together. The Warioware crew is full of charming characters that have vibrant personalities on display in the game's cutscenes and the absurdist visual gags that are the basis of the microgames present are charming on a first time playthrough.

Overall, "WarioWare Get It Together" is a fun game filled with charm but lacking in substance. If you are going into the series as a newcomer with the expectation of it being a fun afternoon with a loved one you will find that here but be mindful that the impermant online component is likely to be where the majority of the content is.

3/5 (6/10)

Reviewed on Nov 13, 2021
