After the fifth crash I think I'm done with this. 12 hours and I can't say I've come out enjoying any of it. Still a fucking technical mess a year from release, the performance absolutely hinders enjoyment of this. But it's not just that, I also don't think it's fun, like at all. Combat is at its best 1 on 1 or small groups of 2-3, but once you have to fight more than two enemies in melee it falls apart, as enemies will use unblockable attacks one after another. It results in severe difficulty spikes where most encounters are a breeze until these points in which case it just becomes frustrating.

I also think exploration in this game is terrible, there are so many places blocked off until you get later abilities that you waste time trying to explore the planets. I get that they don't want you to get completely sidetracked, and they want to leave some areas for later, but it just completely dampened any interest in exploring. It's artificial. I didn't find this hidden area because I was looking carefully, I found it because I looked at my map and it was either green or red, telling me if I was allowed to explore there or not. I get that this is part of the genre it's going for, but it's the execution of it that ruins it. Instead of, oh, I should remember to come back here when I get an upgrade, it's let me check my map every 15 seconds. And then it crashes.

I just never found it fun. It never gave me the chance. Any time I would start to gaze at the beautiful environments the game would start tanking frames on a whim. Or I'd get hit with some annoying ass combat encounter. Or I'd walk into another area only to see my map filled with red objects. Or it would crash again. Yeah I don't need to play any more of this. And I don't think anyone should spend money on this broken trash either.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
