Cool, yeah, I’ll just... I’ll just dodge all of these bullets. With my human reflexes. These ones, right? These pink bullets? That’s fine. Alri—oh, and these blue ones? Ok yeah the blue ones, too. I can dodge those. For sure. Oh and ALSO the red ones though. And like all at the same time, all jumbled together, forever, and it never stops. Gotcha. Gotcha.

Cool—so let me just—oh I’m dead? Because I got hit once, by one of the bullets. A single one. Oh but the hitbox is ‘small’, you say, I see. So it’s fair. And I have a shield that can protect me, but it dies in... about 5 consecutive seconds of use, right. Ok.

Cool yeah so I’ll just dodge the bullets then, no problem.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2021
