This episode in particular made me wish a lot of these things were in the actual game… Grinder stronghold? Enderman armor? FUCK. It’s a shame Minecraft is one of the slowest developing games of all time. Mojang sure likes taking their sweet time implementing the smallest of changes and content updates! Instead of actually putting in cool shit that you can do a lot with.

Besides that, this is another miss. A lot of the characters’ conflicts are starting to feel forced, it seems like you’re nearing an argument every other scene for literally no reason; like I know this is a Telltale game so they have to have that conflict in there! but at least create some legitimate character flaws and then intertwine them around other characters to create some naturally-occurring arguments, not whatever this is…

A huge issue I have with the game so far is how much hand-holding there is. I obviously know it’s aiming for a younger audience, but even when I was 12 (which is what this game is rated for) I didn’t need this much hand-holding; like please, let me actually remember information instead of being told the answer every 10 seconds, It’s like God of War: Ragnarok, but much, much worse.

And there’s weird inconsistencies— like I mentioned in my episode 1 review— where characters will see someone walking up some stairs right in front of them, but then later on be convinced that there’s no one at the place; I don’t know if I’m missing something here… or if the game is really that dumb. Three episodes in, this clearly isn't going to get any better.

Playtime: 1.3 hours

Minecraft: Story Mode Episodes - Ranked
Telltale Episodes - Ranked

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2023
