This game absolutely nailed its ambition and is a nice interactive experience telling a sentimental and personal story. It's the story of immigrant parents sacrificing and grappling with how to relate to their son on a cultural level. It's definitely not the type of story you typically see in this medium, but it works by focusing the theming around food and light puzzle mechanics that blend together fairly well. While the puzzles are a little samey (they all ask the player to figure out the steps to follow in the correct order), the game really compels you with its strong narrative. In particular I enjoyed how the dialogue choices work. Usually they serve the purpose of branching paths, but in this game it works well to convey subtext or that the characters are conflicted or have layers to the problems they're going through. The art and music is also a standout. Definitely a charming and worthwhile hour or so.

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2023
